Following a concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury, so many things happen! At a global level, you may feel "off", have a headache, feel tired, experience neck pain or all of the above. These symptoms are a results of the changes at a cellular level. A concussion causes an injury to the brain cells which leads to a "metabolic cascade" that changes in how cells use and process energy (glucose). This results in changes to neurotransmitters, cellular function, cell communication, blood flow, oxygen use, and glucose uptake by the cells. This neurochemical cascade occurs immediately after injury and evolves in the days and months after the injury. When the proper building blocks are provided, the brain cells are able to repair, heal and ultimately function better. The healing process results in reduced symptoms, improved tolerance for activity, and a helps promote a return to normal function at both the cellular and whole body level.
Healthy eating is the primary source for providing the proper building blocks for healing. Healthy eating alone won't make all concussion symptoms go away. Just as poor eating habits won’t cause post concussion syndrome. But choosing your foods wisely can give your brain a better shot at recovery and help it function as best it can.
Foods That Should Be Eaten Daily:
The following foods reduce inflammation and promote an environment that allows for maximal healing.
Fruits: Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, cherries.
Cruciferous Vegetables: Kale, Broccoli, Cauliflower
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, avocado, Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Dark Chocolate and Cocoa
Mushrooms and Peppers
Green Tea
These foods are:
Low sugar/starch
High in vitamins (B, C, E)
High in antioxidants: reduce free radicals that disrupt cellular function
My favorite healthy food resturants in Denver, Colorado: Watercourse, True Food, City O City
For cooking at home, cook anti-inflammatory recipes at
Foods That Should Be Avoided:
The following foods can contribute to the cellular energy crisis and increase inflammation.
Sugar & High Fructose Corn Syrup. Other names include: sucrose, fructose, glucose, dextrose, cane sugar, agave nectar.
Artificial Trans Fat and Hydrogenated Oil. Seek out labels that indicate “No Trans Fat” and avoid foods with label “partially hydrogenated oil”.
Refined Carbohydrates. These are grains that have been stripped of all bran, fiber and nutrients. This includes white bread, crackers, white rice, pasta, and biscuits.
Processed Meats. Avoid labels that say “smoked” or “cured” or “dried”.
These foods can contribute to inflammation in the body which affects the healing process by:
Altering the bacteria in the gut which can affect the function of the immune system
Creating oxidative stress (too many free radicals)
Altering glucose and fat metabolism
Increasing in C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood is a marker for inflammation
Making changes to your eating habits can help with post-concussion healing tremendously. Other things to consider to help the healing process: sleep habits, exercise, stress management, and activity modification.
For personalized advice and help with your healing nutrition plan email me directly:
Schedule a virtual appointment online: